Tuesday April 14thIntroduction Lecture
10:00 AM-12:00 PM (ESARQ Barcelona)
Introduction Lecture for the Floral Obsessions course at the ESARQ Barcelona. Biodigital Architecture Master Course. Issue for the lecture: Based on the Paper Botany Bay I will talk about three main issues in the realm of Flowers interesting as a base for specultations about architectural opportunities within this field: Spatial conditions (Anatomy, Morphology, Manyfolds, Topologies, differentiaon of space, sepals and petals, whorls and creeeping, coloration, ornament as space, deep articulation etc) Structural conditions (Veinings, Canopys, performative surfaces, sound structure by manyfold conditions, heads and stems, Flower bouquets, Parasites (Orchids), surface articulation, ripples and corrugations etc) Material conditions (cell compounds, veining, colorations, differentiated surfaces, fibrous patterns, fibers, cells etc) Floral sensibilities: (Colorations, gradients, bouquets, surface conditions, spatial conditions and flowers. Items of nature and technology providing opportunities for further scrutiny.)
Wednesday April 15thIntroduction into NURBS modeling in Maya
10:00 AM-4:00 PM
Thursday April 16thIntroduction into TopMod
Introduction into the Topological Mesh Modeling Software TopMod. Click the adjanced link to reach the webpage of the softwares programmer, Ergun Akleman, to obtain more information on the program, and some tutorial videos. Find also a lot of Information at the TopMod Wiki Page http://www-viz.tamu.edu/faculty/ergun/index.html
10:00 AM-1:00 PM
Presentation of Flowers
1:00 PM-4:00 PM
Excursion into a park, or the next flower store, to obtain some exotic flowers for scrutiny and inspiration. Explore the plants morphology and anatomy in order to understand the underlying rules of floral forms. Introduce a specific language and vacabulary to the course in terms of correct terminology out of the field of Botany: Whorls, sepals, petals, filaments, ovarys, stem, pollen etc.
Excursion to Park Guell
4:00 PM-6:00 PM
TASK: Butterfly HouseThe task of the course will be the design of a Butterfly House, including plans, sections, renderings, and in best case animation. The plans should include an idea of the assembly and fabrication approach as well as an outline on the used materials.
Friday April 17thIntroduction into TopMod II
10:00 AM-1:00 PM
Till Monday April 20thCladistic Diagram of 50 TopMod Models
Concept Development
Monday April 20th10:00 AM-1:00 PM (ESARQ-Barcelona)
Table crits
2:00 PM-4:00 PM (ESARQ-Barcelona)
Moodboard Elaboration
Create a Moodboard depicting the approach of the project. The Moodboard should contain information about the chosen Terminology, the Morphogenetic Idea as well as representations of possible sensibilities and the opportunities provided by the chosen approach.
Tuesday April 21th10:00 AM-1:00 PM (ESARQ-Barcelona)
Moodboard Presentation
Boards of the different groups: The pinup is not printed but just projected on the wall via videobeamer. We will discuss the approaches. Every group has about 10 minutes for the presentation and discussion.
Post Moodboards into the Blog
2:00 PM-5:00PM (ESARQ-Barcelona)
Python Introduction
Wednesday April 22th
10:00 AM-1:00 PM (ESARQ-Barcelona)
Python Introduction
2:00 PM-3:00PM (ESARQ-Barcelona)
Lunchtalk on Rigorosity, Geometry and Fabrication
Rigorosity, Geometry and Fabrication. What´s their relation. What the heck should we care about rigorosity, right? Well the rigor in the program is applied as a way to obtain three things within the course: 1: Discipline in the creation of a discoursive argument. 2: Precision and cleanness in the geometry of the created components of the architectural entity 3: Resulting out of the precise geometry of the object, a faccilitation of the digitaly controlled fabrication process, wether this is 3D printing, CNC Milling or Lasercutting.
3:00 PM-5:00 PM (ESARQ-Barcelona)
Project Elaboration
Thursday April 23th10:00 AM-1:00 PM (ESARQ-Barcelona)
Desk Crit
2:00 PM-5:00 PM (ESARQ-Barcelona)
Python Scripting Assistance
Friday April 24thVisit Construction Fair
Till Monday April 27thProject Development (Post in the Blog!)
Monday April 27thProject Development survey, all day desk crit.
Tuesday April 28thMidterm Review
10:00 AM-1:00 PM (ESARQ-Barcelona)
Wednesday Thursday April 29th April 30thProject Development (Post in the Blog!)
Excursion Villa NURBS (Cloud 9) to be announced.
May 1th till May 8thAll day!
Project Development (Post in the Blog!)
Endspurt Presentation Preparation, Model making, plan drafting etc.
May 8th
10am Final Presentation – Guest Crits to be announced.